Link from World’s Most Trusted Website: Wikipedia.org
(60 Days Free Replacement Guarantee)
There’s probably no website owner who wouldn’t like a link from Wikipedia.org?
Icing on the cake! Because…
Wikipedia is one of the best, oldest, and most popular authority sites on the Internet.
With over 11 years of Wikipedia contribution experience, we can strategically build a backlink to your website that has the highest chance to stick.
About the service
Why Wikipedia Links, you ask?
Google blindly trusts a few websites and Wikipedia.org is among the top few of that list. We all know this, right?
The more links you get from trusted sites, the more trustworthy your site becomes. It also helps build your website’s EEAT signals.
Higher trust factor = higher the chance of ranking higher. Simple math!
After building Wikipedia links for our own niche sites for the past 11 years, we can confidently say it does help with trust signals and the thing we want the most – rankings.
Strength & Expertise Driven by Experience
Two things make us standout..
11 years of experience on Wikipedia
We have a small team of trained Wikipedians at our office, and our Lead Wikipedia-guy has been editing, correcting, and adding helpful texts on Wikipedia pages for over 11 years now.
Being deeply engaged with the Wiki community, we are aware of ‘almost’ everything there is to know about Wikipedia. We know some stuff, and we know some people who call us friends.
Strong Network within the Wikipedia Community
Inserting links into a Wikipedia page is now harder than ever, after Wikipedia introduced new rules and policy updates.
Regardless of the account type even if it’s a super mod or admin account, each and everything undergoes multiple reviews and changes. Knowing other users & mods within the community gives us an unfair advantage!
Wikipedia Link Creation
Facts You Should Know
On Wikipedia, nothing is guaranteed! Anyone can edit, create or open discussions. It is a free encyclopedia, continuously updated and monitored by the people who use it.
Not For Shady Websites
We don’t accept all links or websites. Not all niches are accepted either. If unsure, ping us before ordering. Your webpage must look real and trustworthy. Informative sites are preferred.
Links Are Not Do-Follow
In case you didn’t know, all Wikipedia links are no-follow. This means you cannot expect any do-follow links from Wikipedia. One thing is for sure, they are the best no-follow links you can get. Period.
Link Removal Is Normal
Moderators get notified when we add or edit something. Unless a popular website, someone will flag and remove the link within hours. So, we guarantee a replacement link if your link gets removed within 60 days.
100% White HAT Approach
We won’t be around looking for 404 links and replacing them because that’s the most outdated method that sucks. To make sure we get the best results possible, our team takes the time to do everything manually.
TAT Is 10-14 Business Days
We usually add a link to your site on an existing Wikipedia page related to your subject, with a high chance of link stickiness and maximum traffic exposure for your site. Usually takes less than 7 days. Max 14 business days.
60-Day Free Replacement Guarantee
Once we place the link and fulfill your order, our 60-days free link replacement guarantee starts. For details about how this guarantee works, please read the FAQs at the bottom part of this page.
Wikipedia Backlink
Wikipedia Link Creation Costs $320
Tailored Page Selection Based on Your Website
Fulfillment in 10-14 Business Days
60 Days Free Link Replacement Guarantee

Limited Time $50 Discount
Simple as 1-2-3
Here’s How Our Wikipedia Link Creation Works
1. You send us the Page URLs
Send us more than one informational page URLs of your website you want us to link to.
We recommend sending us 2-3 informational pages because we need to choose the suitable one.
This way, you will save time on sending new URLs again and responding to our questions.
2. We Review for approval
We will review your pages and inform you the next steps.
In case we cannot approve your page, we will recommend what you can do to get approved. Once you implement the recommendations, we will move ahead.
When we approve your link, our review is complete.
3. link created in 10-14 business days
Within 10-14 business days, you will hear from our team.
It’s hard to drop a link nowadays and we follow 100% white HAT method instead of playing any shortcut.
Even though it is time-consuming, our main focus is to get you the best possible results.
Some Common queries
Is there a Guarantee?
Although Wikipedia is highly regulated, the links we build rarely get removed because we build these using our tested and proven methods. We guarantee your link will be live for at least 60 days or we’ll replace it for free.
Do you use exact anchor text?
As far as using exact anchor text is concerned, we don’t prefer it. Because it can lower the chance of the link sticking as it will probably be perceived as spam. However, if we are able to do so it would be a reward this is why we ask for niche instead of anchor text.
Can you get me multiple links for the same site?
Multiple orders for the same website within 30 days of the previous order are not accepted. Contact first if you need multiple links for the same website.
Can you get my link on any specific page I want?
Not always but we will try. We aim to select a page that will maximize the likelihood of your link remaining in place for a long time.
What happens if my link gets removed within 60 days of placement?
We offer to replace it for you at no cost. However, we have two fair conditions that you have to agree on:
1. You can’t modify the page after we add the link. Because this usually triggers mods attention and they might remove your link. We will check the Wikipedia page edit history to investigate whether any change is responsible for the removal.
2. In case your link gets removed even if you didn’t change anything, we will be happy to replace your link with another one. But, this replacement will be possible a few weeks after your first link was removed. Immediate replacement triggers a red flag that’s why.
Do you provide a bulk discount?
If you purchase lots of links from us, we may able able to get you some discounts. Just contact us. We are open to whitelabeling too.
Can you remove someone else’s links?
No, this is NOT ethical and something we don’t want our fellow Wikipedians to do on purpose.