Acquisition and Exit made easy as pie

Our experts have consulted and helped many internet investors profit from selling their websites. From due diligence to impactful negotiation and finally, the exit – our team becomes your voice.

Sell Your Online Business via Web Properties Ltd.

Looking to sell your age-old website for the best price on the market? Well, we’ve got you covered.

Our skillful team of professionals will examine and evaluate your internet business and assist you in selling it for a reasonable and honest price.

We’ve assisted with the sale of a variety of content websites, subscriptions, SaaS, and service-based sites.

Web Properties Ltd. has dealt with all sorts of websites, including e-commerce sites. Instead of letting all of your effort and determination go in vain, allow us to assist you in selling your website.

Submit Details

Kindly fill out our form below and you can expect us to respond to you within a short time.

Send Queries

In case you have any questions, feel free to drop us an email at [email protected]


Kawkab Nadim

Mediavine Publisher

Sold a blog-based website directly to WPL in early 2022 with an avg. income of $2000+. Received the money after two days of the domain transfer! Plus, the success fee is dirt cheap!

Sahed Srabon

Niche Site Owner

Ovi from Web Properties helped me sell my site within hours. I had an emergency at that time and Ovi transferred the money from the buyer on the same day. Loved it!

Shaokat Hayder Ziko

Amazon Associate

It was my first site making an L6M average below $500/mo. Ovi took the responsibility and got my site sold in around 4 days. I didn’t pay any listing fee and the sale happened faster than anticipated.

Monjurul Islam Sony

Affiliate SEO

I have sold 4 sites via Web Properties Limited so far. 3 I sold via their brokerage, and 1 directly to them. The whole process was easier and quicker compared to all existing mainstream platforms.

Why Web Properties Brokerage?

With our brokerage, individuals and business owners buy and sell established content websites, online businesses, and other digital real estates. Our job is to connect you with the other party and make the process easy as clockwork, starting from the negotiation process to all the way until a deal takes place.

No Listing Fee

Listing your website via Web Properties Ltd. is not only safe, quick, and easy, but FREE as well. If you trust us for the brokerage service, we appreciate your decision by offering a free listing.

3-5% Success Fee

We offer market-leading success fees. Only payable when you sell and this is calculated as a percentage of the sale price. No more than 3% to 5% of the final exit price of your website.

Minimum $500/mo Revenue

Even if you are small in terms of fiscal numbers, don’t worry. Our guys at Web Properties Ltd. can still find you a profitable exit in days. Not kidding!

Privately Pitched Exits

You cannot be more careful these days. Know what we mean? We don’t reveal our list of sites for sale to everyone, which means your site and its sensitive details are not exposed to random guys. Our team privately negotiates with interested buyers and investors to seal the deal in silence.

Due Diligence Done

For every site we pick, a due diligence framework is in place. We develop an initial list that conveys to our buyers a sense of what we do and don’t like about each deal. If you are the seller, you get to know what to work on to get better offers than the ones you may have in hand.

Faster Than You’ve Thought

You are in experienced hands! We assess our buyer’s budget and acquisition criteria to handpick digital assets that fit the requirements. With our professional guidance and expert tips, sellers and buyers expect nothing but win-win deals.

We understand buying and selling a digital business isn’t easy, thus we made it EASY

Vetted Worldwide

We operate beyond borders and have connections with marketers who operate content sites at scale. Thus, we get to vet a lot before we put a site on our list.

All-Star Analysis

Our experts analyze each and every site’s traffic, earnings, current monetization strategies, future potential for easy wins to make sure our listings are A-okay all the time.


You pick a site that grabbed your attention, and we start collecting all necessary data. P&L spreadsheet, revenue, and traffic snaps – anything that matters to you.

Timesaving Process

Time is money, not literally but has its value. Our world-class team makes the process easy, smooth, and less time-consuming, unlike other brokerage agencies.

Tailored Guidance

We offer market-leading pricing for both sellers and buyers. You get customized suggestions to improve your positioning, get a better bargain, and much more.

New Gets Known

Every time we have new listings that match your requirements, you receive a mail from us with some primary details. We do NOT send BS in e-mails.

We answered some common questions in advance

Drop your query via e-mail if the answer isn’t already here!

How Can I Be Certain That My Site Will Sell?

The thing about us is that we are offering an exclusive service. Starting from our valuation process to other processes are all exclusive. And we only accept investors with a ready fund and are actively looking to purchase businesses. 

Furthermore, if your sites get into our platform, there is a high chance that it is a great fit for the investors. Considering that, your site will probably sell in a short amount of time.

How Much Can I Get for My Website?

When it comes to the price, there are a lot of factors that will come into play. Usually, we will look at the revenue history of the last six to twelve months to determine the website’s value. Taking the average net revenue, we will multiply it by a determined multiple to find out the best price for the website. 

Generally, the multiple will be somewhere between 30 and 50. And the factors that will influence the multiple are:

  • Seasonality
  • Site age
  • Stability, which includes the revenue and traffic
  • Monetization methods
  • Spam signals
  • Content quality
  • Backlink quality

On that note, we will consider whether all revenue is generated on an accrual basis on not. Let us give you an example. If the payment terms with the affiliate network are Net 30 days and have gained a total commission of $1000 during a particular month, say March, that will be the recorded earning of March. Even if you receive it at the end of April, it will be considered for the month of March.

That said, we do not include the discretionary expenses. Those expenses include link building or content creation expenses. That is something that most of the brokers or marketplace will take into consideration. 

Let us give another example. If you have spent a total of $200 a month on link building and content creation, we will not count it as an expense. That means you will be capable of recording more profit and making your site seem more valuable.

What If I Want More Money Than The Valuation You Guys Come Up With?

We have a pretty complex system for the evaluation process. The system is proprietary as well. Its main objective is the find the exact worth of the website. For that reason, we usually state that our valuations are not negotiable. However, we do allow our sellers to ask an upward of 5% more than the valuation we will come up with for our success fee.

In this case, you should note that the listing will still have the original valuation when it is in the marketplace. Also, if you do ask for the 5% upward price, the site will take longer to sell. It can take months. So, if you do want to sell your site faster, it is better to stick with the valuation fee that we will provide.

What Can I Do To Make My Site Sell Faster or Make It More Worthy?

You can do a load of things to increase the overall valuation of your site. For example:

  • You can diversify the traffic sources
  • Implement CRO to increase the value per visitor to the maximum level
  • Add multiple methods of monetization
  • Build a broad list of emails

Nonetheless, one of the most important things you should consider is selling on an upswing. An upswing is a period where all of the trends are good. As opposed to a period where the site is seeing a significant decline, the upswing period will make your site gain more value, and it will get a massive amount of attention. Another thing that we would recommend to make your site sell fast is to fill up all of the information in the form we will provide. Be very brief with your answers instead of just providing 1 or 2-word answers. The elaborate answers will help it to gain the level of attention it deserves because investors would want every detail you can provide.

How Long Does It Take To Sell A Site?

It is tough to say how long it will actually take for your site to sell. The timing will vary from one business to another. Usually, online businesses worth below 100 thousand USD will take a couple of weeks. On the other hand, businesses that are worth more than that might take a bit longer. But sometimes, higher-priced businesses can even take just a week.

For that reason, we ask an exclusivity period. And we will be capable of telling you all about the potential time frames after you give us all of the information in the form.

What Will Happen If My Site Does Not Sell?

There is a valid reason for our exclusivity period. In that period, we will try our level best to make your site change hands. We will make it more visible to the investors and make them realize the true value of your site. If the site does not sell in that exclusivity period, you can choose not to keep it with us and list it somewhere else.

Do Business Sites Get Sold Less Than Their Listing Price?

The thing about the listing price is that we will make sure that you are getting the complete worth of your site. However, investors will most likely want a better deal. For that reason, they will make an offer for your site. Sometimes, the offers can be a bit less than the listing price. And sometimes, the offer will be spot on.

What Is The Success Rate of Your Service?

We are pretty proud to state that our success rate is 82%. This rate is something that the competitors will not be capable of meeting. So, you can expect that you will be more likely to sell your site on our platform than the others.

What Is The Difference Between Marketplace Offer and Direct Buy Offer?

So, when the topic of direct buy offer vs marketplace offer comes up, you need to understand what they actually mean. Let us explain:

Marketplace Offer

As the name suggests, you will be listing your site to the marketplace. And when you list your site on the marketplace, your site will be gain more visibility. Investors will be capable of seeing what your site is about. Usually, the marketplace offers a bit higher than the direct buy offer. However, you need to consider that you might need to wait for a good amount of time to get an expected offer.

Direct Buy Offer

The direct buy offer is something that the service is going to make itself. Usually, when the service providers like what your site is about and if they think that they could make proper use out of it, they will offer you a price. The direct buy offer will make your site sell pretty much instantly. However, you need to consider that the direct buy offers might not be as high as marketplace offers. But the good thing is that your site will sell faster, and you will not need to provide any fees.

Which Information Of My Site Will Be Visible To The Buyers?

We will ask all of the sellers to confirm their identities. For this, we will require some credentials. Furthermore, anyone can fill up our form and claim that the site that they are trying to sell is theirs. For that reason, we will ask you to verify the affiliate account ownership, domain ownership, and the ownership of the revenue that you are claiming that the website is generating.

However, if the site is a bit large and worth a bit more than usual, we might even ask for video verifications. Now, the buyers will see this information when they choose to buy your site. They will mostly see your identity, affiliate, and domain ownership details. But worry not; we will not show them sensitive documents.

Additionally, the buyers will see the real revenue numbers and website traffic. We will also show them our due diligence reports, which the buyers will use to do further analysis on your site. Also, the buyers will get to see the objective analysis that we have made for your site. That said, in our analysis and reports, some things will be good, and some things will be bad. Why would we show the buyers what is bad about your site? Well, our business model is completely transparent. And the level of transparency that we offer will give the buyers more confidence and make them move ahead without thinking twice.

How Does The Transfer Process Work?

We will do everything possible to ensure that the transfer process goes smoothly. For that, we will rely on our own internal escrow service, which requires no additional fees. Usually, a typical transaction will have this outline:

  • The buyer will see your site and place an offer
  • The seller accepts the offer, and we will immediately send you an Asset Purchase Agreement, which will contain all the details
  • The buyer will also get the Asset Purchase Agreement that they would need to sign
  • We will send the wire instructions to the buyer
  • Everything will be on hold up until the point the funds land in the Escrow
  • Once the money comes to Escrow, we will initiate the technical transitions, which include the site’s files, domain, affiliate IDs, and others
  • When the buyer gets everything, the inspection period will start. This period can last up to 14 days. During this time, we will monitor the earnings to make sure that the analysis numbers are within the acceptable range
  • After the inspection period ends and if everything is within that acceptable range, we will wire the money to the seller

Once the seller gets the money, we will officially close the deal, and the transaction will be marked as complete

Can I Try To Sell My Site While It Is Listed On Your Service?

As we have mentioned, we have an exclusivity period. In this period, you will leave your site exclusively to us. If you do wish to use the service we are providing, you will need to comply with that period. In other words, you can not try to list your site on other services within the period.

We will invest a good amount of time, resources, and effort to work with your listing. And if for some reason, you list your site to other services, all of our effort, time, and resources will go in vain. Also, in this exclusive time frame, we will showcase your site to highly valued customers. So, there is a chance that you will get a better overall deal if you do comply with the exclusivity period.

That said, if we can not initiate the transaction process within that exclusivity period, you will be free to list your site elsewhere. Nothing will stop you from doing so.

What Kind of Support Should I Offer After I Sell My Site?

Usually, it will depend on the deal. Different parties will have different criteria. In general, we request the sellers to offer at least 30 days of support for the site that they are going to hand over. 

You need to consider that some investors might be totally new to the platform. They might not know what they should do to handle your site. That said, most of the questions and answers will be handled by us. So, you can expect us to back you up whenever you need it.

On that note, most of the basics of what you need to do after you sell the site will be on the Asset Purchase Agreement. You can have a clear idea of all of your responsibilities after going through the Agreement.

We Have a Mastermind Mentorship Program

Learn how to build, operate, and scale your own digital businesses from scratch. Our mentors teach you money, mindset, and effective networking – which altogether make you a person that the society respects.